Saturday, 10 September 2011

Footprints in the Sand

One night I dreamed a dream. 
I was walking along the beach with my Lord. Across the dark sky flashed scenes from my life. For each scene, I noticed two sets of footprints in the sand, one belonging to me and one to my Lord.  
 When the last scene of my life shot before me I looked back at the footprints in the sand. There was only one set of footprints. I realized that this was at the lowest and saddest times of my life. This always bothered me and I questioned the Lord about my dilemma.  
 "Lord, You told me when I decided to follow You, You would walk and talk with me all the way. But I'm aware that during the most troublesome times of my life there is only one set of footprints. I just don't understand why, when I need You most, You leave me."  
 He whispered, "My precious child, I love you and will never leave you, never, ever, during your trials and testings. When you saw only one set of footprints, it was then that I carried you."

I first read this at my Uncle's, I think. As I was reading the last part, tears came to my eyes. How easy it is for us to doubt! How easily we fall as soon as our life starts having ups and downs... but the Lord is faithful. He will never leave our side. He is the only One we can depend on for... for everything! What a great comfort that is to me when I'm having a tough time.

~Just thought I would share this with you, as it has been a precious help to me lately.


Jerusalem Shalom said...

Anna!! me hace mucha ilusión que te encanten las fotos y tus comentarios. La verdad no es que sean las fotos perfectas esque los niños son GUAPIIISIMOS! :) jeje

Anonymous said...

Guau, este cuento me encanta, lo había leido en españ precioso!! :D