Thursday, 28 July 2011

Boig Per Tu

En la terra humida escric
"Nena, estic boig per tu"
Em passo els dies esperant la nit...

Com et puc estimar
Si de mi estàs tant lluny!
Servil i acabat, boig per tu.

Sé molt bé que des d'aquest bar
Jo no puc arribar on ets tu...
Però dins la meva copa veig
Reflexada la teva llum...
Me la beuré. 
Servil i acabat, boig per tu.

Quan no hi siguis al matí,
Les llàgrimes es perdran
Entre la pluja que caurà avui.

Em quedaré atrapat,
Ebri d'aquesta llum,
Servil i acabat, boig per tu.

Sé molt bé que des d'aquest bar
Jo no puc arribar on ets tu...
Però dins la meva copa veig
Reflexada la teva llum...
Me la beuré. 
Servil i acabat, boig per tu.

-  Boig per tu by SAU

Wednesday, 27 July 2011


"England is a magical kingdom where mystery and history blend with the prosaic and the present to create a realm which is unike. Wether the scene is a ruined castle or a bustling city street, a windswept moor or a lush green meadow, it has been permeated for centuries with the charm, serenity and excitement that make it peculiarly English. The land has an atmosphere which can be mistaken for that of nowhere else on Earth.
England is a country with many faces, warm and welcoming or proud and defiant. The eye can never tire of its beauty, nor the senses of its atmosphere. It is truly a magical land."

THE BRITISH ISLES, Colour Library Books

Reading an old entry in my diary, dated 3rd August 2009, I ran across this quote about the beauty of England. Doesn't it invite you to get on a plane and fly there this instant?!

Monday, 25 July 2011

Lotus by Secret Garden

Secret Garden has been one of my favourite "groups" of music to listen to for a very long time. It's incredibly relaxing, but happy at the same time. I can't say there's been a mood for which listening to Secret Garden hasn't suited!

I have just listened Secret Garden's Lotus, and thought I would share it with you. There are so many other beautiful songs that I can't really say it's my favourite. I would take a very long time trying to show all the songs I like from this group. Still... here's Lotus. :)

Saturday, 23 July 2011

I'm My Own Grandpa

Curious case of family puzzle!

Thursday, 21 July 2011

Cada Momento

"En mis angustias me ayudas, Jesús,
Sobre mi alma derramas tu luz;
Todos los días consuelo me das,
Cada momento conmigo Tú estás.

Cada momento me guardas, Señor,
Cada momento en tu gracia y tu amor;
Vida abundante yo tengo en Ti,
Cada momento Tú vives en mí.

¡Cristo, mi roca, mi libertador!
Tú eres mi escudo, mi gran defensor;
En mi conflicto yo te miraré
Cada momento, y salvado seré."

- Cada momento, 1, coro y 4

Dudo mucho que leas esto... pero me ha hecho pensar en ti. ♥

Sunday, 17 July 2011

Anna At Seven a.m.

Once upon a time, a little eight year old boy walked up to her sister with a mischievous grin on his face. He loved her sister, and also loved her curly hair, which, I will add, messed up a lot during her sleep every night. All her family made jokes and teased her about it, and the said little boy was not to be left behind.

"Look, Anna! This is you at seven in the morning!"

Nothing else has to be said. That is enough. I will now proceed to hide under my pillow. [sigh]