Friday, 15 January 2016

El Oscuro Rincón

"Heme aquí instalado de nuevo en el oscuro rincón del cual salí por un momento para tener el gusto de estrecharos la mano una vez más, (...) marchar un poco y recordar las agradables aunque inquietas horas de mi antigua vida. Cuando se deja una ciudad por otra, particularmente hoy que todos los grandes centros de población se parecen, apenas se percibe el aislamiento en que nos encontramos, antojándosenos al ver la identidad de los edificios, los trajes y las costumbres, que al volver la primera esquina vamos a hallar la casa a que concurríamos, las personas que estimábamos, las gentes a quienes teníamos costumbres de ver y hablar de continuo."
- Gustavo Adolfo Bécquer, Desde mi celda, Carta I

Tuesday, 12 January 2016

Our Wisdom

"Our wisdom is to know that we can do nothing without the Lord Jesus - with Him, everything that is according to His will." 
- J. N. Darby, Collected Writings 

Friday, 1 January 2016

Happy New Year

Dear family and friends,

While the previous year transitions have not meant anything else to me other than time with my family and plenty of music and laughs, for some unknown reason, I have looked forward to changing to 2016 very much, and was very expectant. Now we are here I feel unexplainably joyous and excited, and, excuse the cliché, but I literally can't wait to see what is ahead of us.

To all of you, many blessings and much happiness in this new year we've started. I hope your time is full of everything you need and may you be showered with love!