She has just turned three years old, and is a little treasure to have around. The little darling is full of fun and spunk. Sometimes I'm surprised how such a tiny person can have so much energy inside of her at six and seven p.m.! She keeps me on my toes constantly.
She loves crafts, so a couple of days ago I was trying to come up with a different idea. We've worked a lot with colouring, play-dough, stickers, etc., and the challenge was to think of a method I hadn't used with her yet! As it was raining, my Mum suggested we had a rain-themed afternoon, and suggested several songs and poems about rain. She also mentioned colouring in an umbrella, and it was then when my light-bulb lighted.
Every time I hear the word umbrella I think of the family one we had a long time ago. It was rainbow coloured, and so big that all seven of us fit walking underneath it with Papa in the centre, holding it. From this memory I got my inspiration.
First, I drew the umbrella. I've always considered myself a disastrous drawer, even when it came to simple things. However, the drawing came out pretty well, so I scanned and printed to keep the original.
Then I armed myself with rainbow-coloured tissue paper and a stick of glue, and waited for the time when she'd come. |
She had tons of fun. At first, the pieces she tore were huge, and consequently, so were the balls. Later she started to tear smaller pieces as smaller spaces on the umbrella were left blank. |
The beautiful end result! Such a lovely, rainbow-coloured umbrella! I am not sure who had more fun while doing this, if her or me. |
Anyone who'd like the scanned version of the umbrella need only ask!