Tuesday 17 June 2008

A Little Update

I know, I KNOW! I have absolutely forgotten my blog...
Well, for those who think I have, you're wrong! Because in fact, I have thought about it often most of these past days, wanting to go there and write a little something. But I'll explain what has happened.
As many of you may know, I attend music lessons, and every now and then, our teacher gives us some kind of project to work on. Well, that is what happened these three past weeks. I had to do a project on Musical History, and I told myself, "Young lady, you are not going to touch the computer till you have it finished!", and though, I did touch the computer a little now and then, I didn't get on it very often... and thus is why my blog hasn't had anything new for three weeks.
And well... I have attended three birthday parties, and had a good time, had final concerts (there is still one more to go, on the 20th... and I'm the soloist! :S), and too many things to tell in one small post...
So I think I'll just leave you with a couple of pics, and continue later on...
Just to let you know, Yes, I am alive, and No, I haven't forgotten my dear blog!

This is a rainbow we saw one day, which was quite strange, because it wasn't a bow at all... it was quite a straight line!

This was a very cute kitty we found at Sil's birthdays party, very cuddly and sweet and soft and furry... :) That day was wonderful... *sigh*

And this is a picture I've taken today. We had some friends over for the day, and we went to visit a monastery. The two younger ones are staying with us till next Thursday. :)
The purple-pink flowers were beautiful, so I took a picture of it.

And this is all for now! I'll continue posting pictures and things when I can, and photos will be frequent because in the days to come, I have many activities scheduled! I'm very much looking forward to this and the next week! ^^


Anonymous said...

Me n'alegro que hagis acabat el treball de música, Anna!! Jo avui estic acabant el treball acadèmic, quan l'envïi seré... lliure!! lliure per estudiar pels examens de divendres :-0 jeje Aviam si s'acaba aquest curs d'una vegada!

Anonymous said...

I'll forgive you for not posting. It must be the season for it since recently I've had trouble finding things to post. Lovely pictures