Wednesday 28 October 2009

Awed Writer

That's what I am right now! I'm so awed! I can't believe this has come true. But, friends, it has! I can say that it's a dream come true.
But I will explain myself. I will not let you discover it on your own, for it is my belief that it would be mighty difficult for you to do so, excepting a couple of close friends who already know the news. ;)
So the smashing news are that, Lord willing, I'll be going to Holland during my Christmas holidays! I'll be able to see my best friend!!! And I'll be able to have such a good time with her and her family!
I am so looking forward to it. I can't wait, I am so impatient already. I bought the plane tickets yesterday with my Papa's help, and was I excited last night!
I can't explain further. I'm too excited to put two words together so that they make sense. I don't know where to start explaining.
So I'll leave you till my head is cleared enough to be able to explain things. =)


Anonymous said...

Wow! Congratulations!!!! Thay will be alot of fun! I love your blog layout by the way, its so cute!

Jare said...

Thats so awesome!

Want to hear more =)


LocaChica said...

It is going to be sooooooooo fun Anna! I am soooooooooooooo happy for you!!!! I'm probably just as excited as you are!
Just sent you an e-mail, although it probably doesn't make much sense because I could hardly even think of any words to say..let alone good ones :)
Love ya!

Anonymous said...


Hannah Nicole said...


Oh, how exciting! =D

joygirl said...

I'm SOOOOOO happy for you!!!! I'm so glad that you get to do this! :) Enjoy Holland for me too! :D

Unknown said...

WAaala que wapada!!! Así que vas a Holanda ehhh
me traerás algún regalito nooo??
bueno, que lo pases muy bien ^^
P.S. Beware of Flying Dutchman xD
(es bromaa ,pero lo del regalito noo ehh >.< )