Wednesday 29 November 2006

A Strange Plant

Now that I have a little time after supper, and before going to bed, I am going to write about what happened this morning. It was amazing!! I haven't been able to have time in the computer this afternoon, because, as we have had the morning out, it was time to study during the afternoon!! And anyway, even if I stopped working at such hour, some other member of the family was on it! (And NOT that we have a small family! =]) Besides, I also worked on my music, and on my "Little Corner". I have a busy life!!!
Anyway, Mummy had to take the car to the mechanic, and since Papa was working, we couldn't get back by car. So we took a short cut across the beautiful countryside, and walked. We walked and walked.
We did a "Pine-cone" hunt. Each year we have to use our woodstove, and to start it Mummy uses pinecones. So when we passed by a nice, pine forest, we searched everywhere. We filled two bags, and we still missed some! Mama decided to do that every Wednesday. Wasn't that fun!!
OK, I'm getting to the "Strange Plant" part!! =)
There is a sort of farm just before the pine forest, and we normally pass by it teasing the little, friendly dog that lives there (err... Should I really say "FRIENDLY"?!?!). Mama was a way before us (my little brothers, well, not SO little, and I), and she quickened us so to get to the Pine Forest. Then I saw the Strange Plant.
It was very strange, and the first time I ever saw it. It had triangular leaves, all fluffy (the "fluff" staged), and out of them popped long stalk. At the end of the stalk was the "fruit". It was round. It was fluffy too.
OK, I KNOW, I only discovered the plant, my (let's just say younger) brother did the rest!!
I called Mummy and the others, and Al came running. He just looked at the plant, and touched the "fruit" gently with a stick. Here comes the strange part.
I say, isn't this story getting long!!
Well, when Al touched the "fruit", it just... Well, I don't know! It splashed some sort of liquid, and was sent miles away!! Even thou we looked and looked for the "fruit", it had completely banished!! Wasn't that strange! Mum tried the same, and it just happened as well. Splash!!
I that had been looking for a stick that Al, just teasing, had thrown in some bushes went there, attracted by their exclamations. And what do you think I did????????? I THOUCHED THAT THING WITH MY OWN HAND!!!!!
Thankfully, I touched it so little that nothing happened. But the question is:


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