Tuesday 27 March 2007

Have You Ever Tried...

...to write a story with a friend by e-mail?
I have, and it's wonderfully wonderful. I was thinking the other day that one of the best things God provided us is the imagination.
So, my friend or I have an idea, and tell each other. We write the idea down, then the other has an idea for the continuation, and we go like this until we finish the story. Then we write it down properly (we haven't reached that-yet, we are only by the beginning and naming the charters. I think that's one of the nicest part. You can make them boringly perfect, or amusingly crazy, you know, in the nice way, thoughtless, sort of distracted..., or just in between. Naming them is also fun... We invent up names like... hum ,just let me think... yes, like Markara or Dyar... And surnames! I'm not very good at surnames, it's my friend who names them... =S), and I think we'll print it and read it properly.

It's really fun! An then when it's finished, we realize that it's a very good story, and decide to publish it! (Don't worry, I'm only dreaming awake.)
But well, maybe you could try it? =)

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

That would be so much fun! I want to write a story with you !