Wednesday 29 August 2007


Last 24th August my younger brother turned six! This post is going to try and show a little of how much I love him... he is the cutest six-year.old in the world, and I love him dearly! I thank God so much for givin him to me as a brother!
Some little known facts about him...

-He was born the day after we moved to the house we live right now.
-He was born the day he was due, unlike us other four siblings.
-He is the only one in our family that hasn't lived in two diffrent houses.
-He is the only one who hasn't lived in two diffrent centuries or mileniums (he was born in 2001).
-He likes fish better than meat.
-HE LOVES dinosaurs!

Well, I love him very much, and he is a real blessing! Love you!! Photo Sharing and Video Hosting at Photobucket


Anonymous said...

My dear little cousin, we have something in common: I also LOVE Martí, and I congratulate him on his birthday! Tempus fugit, time flies. I can't wait to see you, my dear Martí! You're growing up so fast, may the Lord bless you and keep you always looking towards Him!

Anonymous said...

Uns posts ben macos... Felicitats al teu germanet. Tinc una foto d'ell molt graciosa que sempre em surt un somriure quan la veig. És inevitable.

És molt bonic veure com expresses l'amor als teus germans. =)
Jo no sóc ta germana de sang però també "te telo". Un petonet!

Anonymous said...

One thing that makes Martí a very special cousin to me is that his second name is my name. Happy birthday Martí!
That's the age I had when our family moved to the town I'm living now...! Six is a special number for me as I have good memories of when I was that age...I love you Martí! May the Lord give you many more!

Anonymous said...

Many happy returns of the day, Martí - with lots of love from The Jungle Uncle and the Prairie Auntie!