See if you can solve them... Sorry I haven't been around here much, but I was too busy, and not much happened that was worth writing.
Only three kinds of people exist in this world, those who know how to count, and those that don't.
Only 10 kinds of people exist in this world, those who know the binary code, and those that don't.
Hi, Sweaty! (I say this 'cuz you must have sweated a lot to pull this one). Hehehe ... Well, more than riddles, they are obvious, glaring funny statements that show that the person who made them CAN count but wants to appear as unable to do it ... :D
Lots of love, ocelleta!
The Jungle Uncle
But did you get the second one? Did you?
1 10 11 100 101 1000 1001 1010 1011 10000 10001 10010 10011 10100 10101 11000 11001 11100 11101 11110 11111 e te ce e te ce (com diria en Montilla) so there! care to continue for me? hahaha :D
ai m'he saltat el 110 i 111 !!
ai caram i també el 1100 i 1111 errrr jejeje costa més del que em pensava contar en binari :D
Hi, luv ... I se what you mean. Of course, for the second, the statement is absolutely RIGHT: Only 10 kinds of people exist in this world, those who know the binary code, and those that don't. In BINARY code it means: "Only 2 kinds of people exist in this world, those who know the binary code, and those that don't." (10 = 2 in binary code).
Lotsaluv, The Jungle Uncle
Marc, no m'estranya que et saltis els números, si et poses a bloguejar passades les dotze, eh! I mira que és fàcil. Et faltava la piràmide, noi. Així no sóbliden, jeje!
no et confonguis, això és l'hora del servidor. Aquests dies faig torn de tarda-nit i a mitjanit encara treballo, fins a la 1 més o menys
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