Monday 25 February 2008

At Stake

We were having lunch. We had stake and chips, I think.
With a big wide grin, my older brother cuts a tiny piece of stake. Then, he pinched it with his fork, and said,

"The points of my fork are at stake!!"


Anonymous said...

Ai, el Jess... o era Al? I get mixed up... Us devieu fer tots un fart de riure! Un petó!


Anonymous said...

That's hilarious! Your brother must have a knack for saying funny things. :)

And to answer your question about my "slacks-skirt":
I just took a pair of khaki slacks and ripped out the inner legs seams. Then I took another khaki skirt that is way too small for me and laid it out underneath the slacks. I cut the skirt so I had two triangles that would fill the empty, upside-down “V” of the pants, one triangle for the front, one for the back. Then I just sewed the front of the pants to one triangle, and the back to the other triangle, trimmed the material inside, and voila! :)
(hope that makes sense. If it doesn't, just ask me). :-)

Anonymous said...

Haha, what a clever comment! Thanks for the laugh. :)

Anonymous said...

What a laugh! He is more "witty" than I thought he was!
Makes me wonder why didn't Tiet think of it before! ;-D

Thanks for sharing!!!
