Today I've done something I never get to do:
Yeah, haha! It has taken me ten minutes to get out of bed today. :P Twice I've told myself, "Five more minutes! ¬o¬" It felt good to be able to do that... I had to get ready for a lesson at half past ten, so I got up at quarter to ten. It turned out, though, that the little boy is ill, so no classes today. :(
I am going to be very busy this following week. I'm going to do a project marathon... besides my usual weekend chores, I will use all my free time to advance as much as possible in my Investigation Project, because I
do not want to spend my whole Christmas holidays working on it (as the school schedule has planned it). Instead, I am planning on using those holidays to add the last details and complete the photo-journal I'm including with the project. This way, I will also be able to relax and spend time with my family and some friends.
Back to work! Have a wonderful weekend! :D ♥