Monday 18 December 2006

A Reel (Really??) =D

Yesterday some friends came to my house for the Sunday meeting. They are very good friends of ours. We know each other before I was born!!! Well, they have a pair of twins one year older than me, that are very good friends, and that afternoon I showed them a disc that my sister Wendy had lent me.
So they listened, and they liked as much as I do, and one of the songs was a Reel, a real fast Reel. =) I have always liked to dance, so we tried dancing the Reel with a step that we knew. My, wasn't that tiring!!! We began to dance, and dance, and I have to say, I DID sleep well last night, I was so tired!! It was a long, very long, and fast, very fast, Reel, so we were tired when we had finished dancing it for the 6th time!!
And as they were twins, I had to dance first with one, and then with the other, so I likely danced about 8 times!!
You can imagine us, with our hands on our hips, bouncing and dancing all the time, with our hair in every direction... It was VERY cool!!!!

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