Thursday 4 October 2007

An Inspiration

When you read this welcome, I hope you really feel like you're welcomed to read this blog. Really, I had an inspiration.
At first, when I began my blog last year, almost nobody commented, or viewed my blog. Now, I see that more and more people each day come here to take a look, and I'm thankful for all your wonderful thoughts and comments. So I wanted to thank you, and say you are all very much welcomed to be here... you are a blessing!


Anonymous said...

THANK YOU FOR MAKING ME FEEL WELCOME!! Merci de veritat, cosineta, vals un potosí! (Potosí és el nom d'una mina de diamants al Brasil, em sembla) ;-)
Espero poder veure't aviat, i estic content que no hagis acabat com la noieta del Girl Weaving, ni com la Cosette de petita (nobody shouts or talks too loud... not in my castle on a .... aviam si saps l'última paraula! jejeje Les Miz quiz! Xupada, vamos
Una abraçadaaaaa!!!

Anonymous said...

Nop, potosí es el nom d'una mina de COURE a ARGENTINA!! juajajajajajaja.

Anonymous said...

Aw, how sweet! :)