Saturday 20 October 2007

A Seasonal Update

I would say that this is a seasonal update, but also, as I promised long ago, I’ll kill two birds with one stone, and I’ll make it a gardening update too.

I always thought I would enjoy being a farmer’s wife, but now I am sure of it. Our garden is lovely. This morning, as I was hanging the washing, I exclaimed, “Oh, Papa, I love the way the garden smells!” And it’s true. Think of the sweet fall smell, everything wet and humid, with the leaves falling on the ground, and the ground smelling so fresh and sweet. Then, with the combination of the morning birds singing, and a soft breeze blowing, I was in a dream. I love being outside!

This morning we got a load of firewood, a ton of wood, to be exact, and we had to get it in. We had so much fun getting it in, all together but Mummy (at first she helped too, but later had to go and get lunch ready) and my sister, who was busy. We worked in line, first my older bro by the wood plile, who passed logs and things to my youngest brother (who being only six years old is very strong). Then he passed them to me, I passed them to my younger brother and he passed it to Papa through a big window, who piled the wood neatly at the back of the porch. Some minutes later, when the pile had decreased considerably, we had to go to the back of the pile, and throw logs in the front of it, so we could go on doing the same without Bro having to walk a mile to get the next log… :P After that, we went back to our places in the line, and on and on we went until the pile was done. Working in a normal way, it took us 44 minutes to sort 1 ton of wood, five people working on it. It was fun!

Talking about the zucchini… well, it’s been better than we all expected, even better than Mama expected! In about three and a half months, we got about thirty-five zucchinies from nine plants, and Mummy found seven more this morning, while we worked in the garden. It has really been a very good summer for the garden, not too hot, and quite wet, for Spanish weather… and they’ve grown big, fat and green… they should, now that I say so… :P The first zuchini weighed 1 quilo 150 grams, and it was huge! (That’s 2 pounds and a half, aprox.) My younger brother was very proud, the plants were his, and he had taken care of them, and watered them.

And well, to finish, I have to tell you that today we found two mice in our house… that’s the fourth we see this summer-autumn, and it’s awful to have to kill them. Mice are so cute.

I will tell you again… I wish I could be a farmer’s wife!!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Dear Gem (and I mean it literately),

Thanks for sharing your latest news through tour blog. When I was reading it it seemed like if you were telling me on the phone...I enjoyed it a lot.

I can't wait to see you all again...and see those wonderful zuchinis! :-D

Love ya!


P.S.: I hope to write a new post on Tuesday at the latest. I am looking forward to it myself...! Hahaha