Tuesday 30 October 2007


Today is my brother's birthday!! You won't find a more proud little sister today...
During all my life he has been a wonderful brother to me, always ready to joke and have fun with people, and a very nice person to be with!!
Some unknown/random/funny things about him...

- He absolutely dislikes cheese, but loves chocolate!
- He collects the tin "openings".
- His favourite colours are black, gray and white.
- He wants to be a computer programmer... and already is!
- He likes rabbits, and some friends even call him that way... Rabbit!
- He has a wonderful sense of humor... always joking and saying funny comments!

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Anonymous said...

Congratulations to good ol' Robert! 17, and let the years roll on ... It seems like yesterday we were holding him in arms, but now it is some other baby's turn ... Congrats, Robert!

Anonymous said...

Vale, vale, però no cal que ho posis dos cops, ja ens ho creiem!! Jajajajaja!! Felicitats ITU.

Anonymous said...


ptons, per a TU!!


Anonymous said...

Moltes felicitats, Itu! Quant de temps fa que no t'ho deia :p És breathtaking lo ràpid que passa el temps... ahir tnies 6 anys, ara 17... ja no vols ser bomber o soldat, segurament... Una abraçada, cosí programador!!

El teu cosí Ricard