Saturday, 30 May 2009

Five Minute Thoughts

How do you feel when you've been studying History the whole day and you've only managed to learn one page?


Way frustrated, friends. And that is how I feel. Come on, the test is on Monday and I only have one page learnt!

Friday, 29 May 2009

Call That Sense Of Humor

"Time flies like an arrow;
Fruit flies like a banana."


Sunday, 24 May 2009



All the way from USA,

The Duckies!

Aren't they sweet!^^ When my Dad showed them to me, I just couldn't help but take a few snaps of them. What do you think?

Friday, 22 May 2009

Objetivo E Intención

"Desocupado lector: sin juramento me podrás creer que quisiera que este libro, como hijo del entendimiento, fuera el más hermoso, el más gallardo y más discreto que pudiera imaginarse."

MIGUEL DE CERVANTES, Don Quijote de la Mancha

Monday, 18 May 2009

Dóna'm El Silenci

Quan torni, voldria veure mil camps
esquitxats de pipiripís, voldria
sentir sang de primavera cantar
al negre de nit i al blau de dia;
però, sobretot, dóna'm el silenci
tranquil i pacient dels rengles de vinya,
dels lliris de cabana sobre els murs
i de la promesa verda del fruit.

Quan torni, voldria tenir els murmuris
del Sol enfonsant-se al mar, i voldria
pintar els dibuixos de l'escuma blanca
i el braç etern del far quan respira;
però, sobretot, dóna'm el silenci
de l'horitzó quan recull els estels
i el silenci de la llum que salta
entre la Lluna i el seu reflex.

Quan torni, voldria veure sis cares
plenes de somriures als ulls, voldria
la música d'abraçades, petons,
oasi d'acolliment i alegria;
però, sobretot, dóna'm el silenci
d'abans i de després de la pregària,
el silenci d'entre cançons, silenci
despert de pau, vida i estimar.

Autora: LambdaSigmaEtaPi, ergo, la meva germana

Friday, 15 May 2009

Barbaritats Molt Bàrbares

El que pot fer la ignorància...

Traduccions literàries d'un traductor online, probablement:

  • Corageous potatoes (patatas bravas)
  • Octopus to the party (pulpo a feira)
  • They will pass from Navarra (Pacharán de Navarra)
  • Wines from the River Ha and the Valley of Rocks (Vinos de Rioja y Valdepeñas)
  • Pretty to the Iron (Bonito a la plancha)
  • One mug of bleesing if you buy a Little Joseph of Veal (Una jarra de sangría por pedir un pepito de ternera)
  • He dominated Tournament (Torneo de dominó)
  • Madrid Airport available to play on the tables (Barajas disponibles para jugar en las mesas)
Sense comentaris... xD


Fragmento del primer capítulo del Quijote:

In un placete de la Mancha of which nombre no quiero remembrearme, vivía, not so long ago, uno de esos gentlemen who always tiene una lanza in the rack, una buckler antigua, a skinny caballo y un greyhound para el chase. A cazuela with más beef than mutón, carne choppeada para la dinner, un omelet pa' los sábados, lentil pa' los viernes, y algún pigeon como delicacy pa' los domingos, consumían tres cuarers de su income...

Gracias, E. y S.

Monday, 4 May 2009


~I'm sixteen~Ja tinc setze anys~Ya tengo los dieciséis años~
~77 birthday wishes~77 felicitacions~77 felicitaciones~
~Thank you, all~Gràcies a tots~Gracias a todos~

Sunday, 3 May 2009

Saying Goodbye To 15

As my best friend said, yes, I'm saying goodbye to my 15's.
It's hard to believe I'm going to turn 16 in a few hours. But, as hard as it may be, it's the truth. And as usual, I'm wondering and thinking about this new year to come. What will it bring? What will it teach me? What will happen? What?
It's been a "tradition" to write a thoughtful post the day before my birthday, analysing the past year with all the details. So here it goes...
This year, the fifteenth year, has been a very special one, with plenty of unexpected but yet awesome changes and results. God's plans for my life continue to surprise me as I go on living. For instance, my going back to school. I know I've talked about this a lot, but it was such a shock for me at first that it is going to remain in my memory for the rest of my life.
The way I started my summer was so unexpected too that I couldn't really believe it at first. It did have an impact in my life too that was pretty strong, and I am still wondering why ever did that happen in the first place.
I have had the opportunity to meet plenty of wonderful new people this year, more than on the fourteenth year, or any other year, at that. I have learnt to overcome my shyness - wink - and feel at ease around people I don't know at all. I have developed a confidence I couldn't imagine in me. I have also developed a taste for culture in general, and things I used to consider boring at first, such as reading poetry or studying History, are enjoyable now. When I woke up on the 4th May 2008 I couldn't imagine that 364 days later I would have grown so much.
These are just a few examples. A lot of other things have happened this year, and everything has been a new experience, but it wouldn't have been what it has without all the people that love me and are always there for me. To my family, to my friends, to my school chums, to my teachers, to my fellow bloggers, to everybody I know... thank you. You have contributed in some way or other to make this year special, and all I can say is thank you, because there is no other way to express it.
And I pray that this year will too be a blessed one. That I may continue growing in every way. I am such a happy girl, and I'm thankful for that. It's a true blessing to be able to feel happy.

I'm going to be sixteen...

Friday, 1 May 2009


I am entering a Photography Contest. You can enter too, just click here!
Anyway, these are the photos I am going to enter. It was hard choosing, but I'm satisfied.

A lizard I named Zippo

Unnatural happenings

The flower's heart

A day moth

My eye