Friday, 21 December 2012

Mountains and Sea

Wherever I looked, my surroundings were beautifully green and vivid, but also uncomfortably humid and stuffy. A constant, light drizzle insisted on falling as we made our way towards my friends grandmothers old finca. As I was climbing the steep, rocky path with my black backpack stuffed with clothes, two books, a Bible, and several other things on my back, and carrying a heavy bag full of kitchen utensils, first with my right hand, and then with my left, all the time I was singing the habaneraMare, Vull Ser Pescadorin my head. Sometimes I would forget myself and even sing out loud. A un poble de pescadors, entre el mar i la muntanya

I have no idea why that particular song was stuck in my head. I was going up a Colombian hill, and the surrounding area, steep, grassy, rocky and alive with different sounds and colours could hardly remind me of the seashore. It was too far off that picture. However, on I trudged, short of breath and sweating, or glowing, as my Mum would say, under the layers of extra clothes, but happily murmuring Mare, vull ser pescador, vull ser pescador i no frare, que sóc fill de pescador, i malgrat el teu dolor jo tinc les venes saladesmare, vull fer-me a la mar, mare, vull fer-me a la mar, i que em bressin les onades

No one seemed to mind my breathless humming.They probably didnt hear it, anyway. Everyone was too busy carrying their load and minding not to slip.

Such a walk! Such an experience! Still, the most vivid memory of it all, besides the spectacular flowers and the exertion of that loaded twenty minute trek uphill, was singing that song and wistfully remembering the beautiful, lulling sound of the foamy waves crashing on the shores back home.

Wednesday, 19 December 2012


As winter break approaches and I look forward to my next trip, I also am very excited about the free time it will provide, free time which will be used to work on this autumn's pictures!
I have been so busy studying these three months I have hardly had time to spend on other things. This is why most of the summer pictures from Colombia and most of the pictures I've taken lately have not yet seen the light of day. So much so that I have not even gotten the SD card out of the camera to check out the pictures I've taken these past two months.
Oh well! That will soon change, hopefully! :D You should soon visit my photoblog, just sayin'!

Saturday, 27 October 2012

Being Positive

The kind of thing that would make us laugh during chemistry class. It's so easy to laugh during a sometimes boring class..

Sonet VII

Sonet read by Marianne to Elinor
in Sense&Sensibility.
Is love a fancy, or a feeling? No.
It is immortal as immaculate Truth, 
'Tis not a blossom shed as soon as youth, 
Drops from the stem of life--for it will grow, 
In barren regions, where no waters flow, 
Nor rays of promise cheats the pensive gloom. 
 - Hartley Coleridge 

Wednesday, 29 August 2012

On Politeness

For those who don't understand Italian,
A coffee - 3,00€
A coffee, please - 2,00€
Good morning, may I have a coffee, please? - 1,00€
As a friend said, "It pays (literally) to be polite!"

Saturday, 25 August 2012


Que sea yo un poco más amable
y que cuando otros fallen
sus errores no recalque.
Que alabe yo un poco más,
Que cuando sienta yo fatiga
ponga una cara más amiga.
Que un poquito más me esfuerce
por ayudar a los demás.
Que sea yo un poco más valiente
cuando la duda me tiente;
y que con más ánimo intente
ser lo que debo ser.
Que sea más humilde
con el hermano más débil,
y que estime al prójimo
más que a mi propio ser.
Que sea cada día más tierno
y el amor llene mi vida,
que sea fiel a mis deberes
cada instante de cada día.
Que trabaje sin quejarme
y la tarea no desprecie,
que acepte yo el llamado
a la hora de mi muerte.

While I was in Colombia I read this poem one day while supervising the little girls' work in the library. The girls were working juiciosamente so I grabbed a book and started reading. It was titled "Dichos y hechos - el amor", and one of the dichos was this small poem with which I found myself greatly identified. Being where I was, and having to do the work I had, these words were of much encouragement to me.

Monday, 23 April 2012


Lately Spring has been saying, "Hello!" She is being quite shy about it, but slowly and surely she's letting her face be seen around these parts. See for yourself! ^^

Hopefully now my mum will be happy... :P

Sunday, 22 April 2012

La Vita è Bella

I recently borrowed La Vita è Bella's OST from the library, and have been able to remember some sweet memories from some years ago... this is most definitely a favourite film!

This is one of my favourite pieces, as well as one of the saddest scenes in the film. It has such a bittersweet touch to it...!

Friday, 30 March 2012

Saturday, 24 March 2012

Better Bit of Butter

You don't get things like this anymore...

Wednesday, 21 March 2012


LSEP: ping
14:38 me: Haaaaaaaaaaahahahahahahaha xD
 LSEP: ping

I just found this conversation, dated January the 6th. Trust my sister to cheer me up while I'm working. xD (Some of you will recall I spent November to February working on the second part of my Research Project ;])

Sunday, 18 March 2012

Favourite Lullabies

These are just three. I keep listening to songs and thinking, "When I'm married and expecting, I'll learn this song by heart so that I can sing it to my baby when it's time to sleep!"

Sunday, 4 March 2012

New Volvo

Adds on YouTube usually annoy me, but I liked this one. I'm not broadcasting the new Volvo car, but the commercial is funny. 

sé único!

Saturday, 3 March 2012


Yesterday, while in the train and sub I felt like this. [sighs]

Sunday, 19 February 2012

Havin' Fun

As easy to do as this graphic may be, I always have plenty of fun opening Excel and making up graphics. Don't ask me why I like it. I just do. I guess I'm easy to please.

p.s.: I didn't think the same a while back when I was building up all the survey conclusions for my project, though!

Tuesday, 14 February 2012

Advice, let us take their advice. :P

Monday, 30 January 2012


No words!

To Share

Once upon a time, a very long time ago, I met a lovely girl named Jerusalem. She is a year older than me, and we've been friends ever since that day long ago.
Last year the Lord granted her the incredible opportunity to spend part of her summer in Cameroon. After the trip she started a blog on which she shares her experiences and a good amount of pictures she was able to snap back in Africa. Every time I read it and see the beautiful pictures I am incredibly blessed. Therefore,

and go visit her page... you might not be able to read Spanish, but the pictures speak for themselves! It's so beautiful to see how she was able to share love and speak of the Lord among the native citizens in Cameroon!

Sunday, 29 January 2012

Youngest Professional Tenor

The first song I like better than the second, but I like both a lot. They have a something I can't really explain which is the cause of my liking these two songs. Fact is I didn't specifically enjoyed the other songs by I've listened by Amaury Vassili. These two, on the other hand, I really like.

P.S.: He could cut his hair, though, don't you think?

Friday, 27 January 2012


...and ready to go! Ladies and gentleman, my project is 100% complete! My parents took it to print this morning, and now it's all nice and bound. This afternoon we received the printed photojournal, too, so I'm ready for next Monday! ^^

Today I had my last exam, which went not really sure how it went well enough, I suppose. The freedom I felt this afternoon after lunch! 

On top of that, I'm getting ready to go out tonight with friends for a birthday celebration at one of my favourite restaurants (not too fancy, but very cozy. plus the owners are lovely people!). This week has been so productive, and I am so happy and thankful about how everything has run smoothly. Thanks to those who've been praying for me! 


Tuesday, 24 January 2012


"Inertia is like... like... it's like a smile! It doesn't have units."
S.P. - Physics teacher

Saturday, 21 January 2012

Talk About Cool Socks

About a year ago I posted a picture of some cool socks I really liked and mentioned something about a start. Well, I never really continued the start, but today I can't help but making it happen, because about two days ago, my mum, after being shopping, and because she knows me very well (she's my mum, folks!) came back home with... a gift.

How do you like my gift? As I mentioned on that post linked above, I have been collecting socks like these since 2007. I wonder if I'll think about sharing some more samples of my collection... :P

Friday, 20 January 2012

Monday, 16 January 2012

Inspiration Came...

...while listening to this song. So relaxing, perfect for a late evening/night.

  Boomtown by Mark Knopfler on Grooveshark

Monday, 9 January 2012


How beautiful can a simple leaf be? Have you ever heard about the leaf nerves forming a natural fractal?

How thankful I am for a helpful little brother (the leaves are his art!), a helpful Papa (he scanned the leaf drawings for me while I was busy working!), and a good scanner!

...starting to see the light at the end of the tunnel...!

Wednesday, 4 January 2012

21 Spirals

I'm so excited that this experiment came out well! I found a daisy with 21 spirals in its center! It took me for ever to draw the spirals and count them... (not really, but it felt like it! Whew!)

In addition, pinecones also have a Fibonacci number of spirals! Isn't it fascinating?

Monday, 2 January 2012

Happy New 2012


p.s.: go over to Google Search and paste: (sqrt(cos(x))*cos(200 x)+sqrt(abs(x))-0.7)*(4-x*x)^0.01, sqrt(9-x^2), -sqrt(9-x^2) from -4.5 to 4.5