Saturday 1 September 2007

A New Experience

Today I did something I hadn't done before, not even helping. I bathed Machli!! Well, I hadn't bathed a dog in my life before, so it was quite new to me, and lots of fun!
I had to dress in the oldest clothes I had, and then I began to prepare the bath we have outside for things like this. I filled it with water from the hose, and took the collar off Machli. But it wasn’t all that easy... somehow, Machli hates water, and when she saw that I was filling the bath she escaped! So, I had to chase her, and pick her up so she wouldn’t run away.
So I got the hose, and placed Machli IN the bath. Once in there, she was a good dog, and didn’t run away. I wet her all over, and then I got the special shampoo on her. I scrubbed, and scrubbed, and rubbed all over her body, carefully, though, because I was scared I would hurt her. Machli got cold, and began to tremble, so then I rinsed her, and with a towel I rubbed her again dry, and she stopped trembling.
Then came the brushing. Once she was quite dry, I brushed her all over, and right now she looks white and brown, and quite pretty!
It was fun to bathe her, and I’m waiting for the next time!
Now we’re going for a walk to pick blackberries, so if I can, I’ll tell you about it when we come back.

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