Well, here it is, as I said...
We had a wonderful weather those two days we were out, and it was a real blessing. Our reason to go was to meet some Christian friends my Papa met once there, which we hadn't met.
We woke up at seven in the morning Friday morning, and quickly prepared ourselves for the trip. We didn't even have our breakfast at home, we would have it in the car, to save time.
But things not quite always come out the way they are planned. We planned to leave at eight, so we could get to our friends' house ready for lunch, but when we were all in the car and ready to go, we discovered that my little brother's security belt was damaged. At first we thought that we would have to cancel our outing, but God is merciful, and after an hour or so, and much praying and being nervous, Papa finally fixed it, and (whew!!), we were on our way, thankfully.
We did see some of the wonderful creations of God. We saw a tremendous lot of HUGE eagles, we saw big and endless, huge mountains surrounding them, we saw... but I am getting ahead. Let us continue our tale.
We DIDN'T get there in time for lunch. When we arrived at Sigüenza, where we were to stay, it was past four o'clock pm, and we were all starving hungry. First we went to take our place at the hostal, leave our bags and the stuff we didn't need, and THEN came the best part, when we met our friends at their house. I was nervous, don't ask me why... but they are a lovely family, and I love them very much already. They are Felix and Sandra, and their son, Joel, and teir daughter Marylin.
We had a very nice time, and while we ate our lunch (huh, late-lunch) we talked together and joked and laughed.
Later in the afternoon they took us to see the very old but very big Sigüenza Castle. Oh, it was beautiful, and it had such a view! Mary and I were fast friends, and she took me to see the village a little, and to buy sweets. After that, when it began to get dark, we went home and she showed me her bedroom, and we talked together, mostly about stars... she likes stars very much, and so do I, so we had a nice chat about them. We just spent all the evening there, and when it was time to go we went back to where the hostal was.
After that we had to have some supper, so Papa, my older bro and I went somewhere to buy sandwiches. It was fun to eat in a place that wasn’t ours, and to sleep in a strange bed. Mummy called it a short adventure. It was FREEZING cold at night there (we were very high on a mountain), and my bed had five bedcovers to keep the cold out. :S But I tell you, it was fun, cold, and wow, didn’t I enjoy it!
When next morning we got up, it was still early, and I remembre dressing at the same time I shivered like crazy…
Then we went to have our breakfast at Mary’s house. Ohhhh, yummy! It was delicious. We didn’t have what we usually have here, it was so diffrent (all but the milk-and-chocolate drink… I can’t be parted from that!).
That day was mostly all walking and ejoying Trillo, a place where there were lots of waterfalls and old stone houses. I love old places. It makes me feel inspired, and I like it so much. I have lots of photographs of all the waterfalls, and the castles, and the old solid wood dors, beautifully carved… ahh, it was beautiful!
Then at lunch we went to a restaurant, where they did very good meat. I had such a huge and tasty piece of meat!! And a very big salad, with lots of tuna, olives, tomatoes, asparagus, eggs, and everything I could dream of. Oh, it was delicious!!
It was about half past five pm when we left the restaurant, and then came the good-byes, for we had to leave for home. I had had a wonderful time!
During our way we stopped mny times to see something that looked interesting. My sister and I had a very funny time trying to see who did the biggest chewing-gum “baloon”, and when we stopped to see the river Tajo I took some wonderful photos of the view. Since it is autumn, the place near the river was FULL with falling leaves, and yellow, orange and red trees. I took the advantage to collect all the autumn leaves I could… It was so pretty! Sometimes I don’t know how to descrive such beauty, and I really think that God’s creation is awsome! “The heavens declare the glory of God; and the firmament sheweth His handywork.” Psalms 19:01
We actually got home at half past twelve am, but it was all an adventure! I hope we can repeat it again, and that I can see them again soon… :P