Thursday 18 June 2009


My sister did a project on how music affects the cells' growth in general, and here are some of the pictures I took of the results.

This plant grew up "listening" to metal (Ramstein) music.

This one grew up in silence.

And finally, this one grew up "listening" to classical music.

All of the pictures were taken the same day on the same time. What does this suggest to you?


Severus said...


Enregistraré algunes classes de català, de matemàtiques, de naturals i d'anglès i les faré servir per repetir l'experiment, a veure amb quina matèria creixen millor ;-) .

Victoria Horea said...


Bethany said...

That's so fascinating. I never thought music would affect a plants growth.

Bek Axe said...

Wow! That is soooo amazing!

The Reluctant Dragon said...

I am impressed. I'd be interested in knowing more about how this expiriment was conducted. =D

Hannah Nicole said...

That's cool! ^_^

BTW, I emailed you. :D


Hoijof said...

He leido este trabajo, bueno la mayoría de él, sipsip yyyyyyyyyyy me gustaaaa jejejeje sísí y que bueno, que la música fuerte me esta matando las plantas del celebero >< xddd pero me gusta... que se le va a hacer... jeje y bueno, see youuuuuuuur smile

LSEP said...
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LSEP said...

Hail, O Reluctant Dragon, you may contact me if you'd like to hear more about my experiment. My email address is on my profile page. And perhaps you might be interested in knowing I can comfortably lick both my elbows (although not at the same time). xD