Saturday 4 July 2009


"Observe, listen, and learn"

Sixth Dinotopian Code


Jare said...

That great. I want to be more of those 3 things.


LSEP said...

Te l'has currat! xD

Mira aquest, és una consigna a les nuclears:


(Les primeres lletres de cada paraula fan STAR. Per si no us hi fixeu. ^^)

Anonymous said...

Yes, Lib, sometimes it's hard to have that in mind.

LSEP... jajaja, ja t'havia avisat! xD Però encara que no sigui molt, m'agrada i té un significat... com ho diria... profund...? =P
STAR és guai... no la sabia aquesta. :)

Unknown said...

oh and thanks for following!

LocaChica said...

I think I have the learning down, people say I study and am way too curious. As for the listen..well if it's music I'm all ears! Observing is another thing I could probably take the time to do a little more of.

P.s I was wondering what the spanish verb for "to post" was. Is there even one? Is there a different spanish word for post, when I'm not using it as a verb?