Thursday 6 August 2009


I am going to dedicate this post to announce various... happenings, that have... happened (hm, that's curious...)

First things firts. I would like to say to all of those who are expecting kitten pictures that Nuba decided to move house this morning and has her family inside the porch! And in such a great place to take pictures, too. So expect kitten pictures any time soon!
I... checked the kitten's gender this morning, and it turns out that there are four males and two females. There was one which is black with very little white on it (who we are thinking of naming Jack Pitiqli) which we thought was black-ginger-white, a coat only female cats have. But since we are now able to cuddle and play with them (as long as Nuba doesn't get uneasy), we have been also able to actually see the kittens, and realise our mistake.

The second announcement is about this: I have followed my fellow bloggers' example and have added a gadget under the title with a menu. The reason is quite simple, actually. I felt that my sidebar was starting to get a wee bit too crouded and that half (or more) of its content was lost. So there you are, you have a perfectly cool menu to help you around.

And the third announcement... I guess I should have announced it some time ago, but I felt like it wouldn't be appropiate. Anyway, I made my Photo Blog public! I actually changed everything, even the URL, and now it is there for all of you to see. Click HERE if you have a sudden urge to visit it or you're bitten by the curiosity bug and therefore want to visit it. Please, if you have any questions, e-mail me/comment so I can know. This way I will be able to make a good use of my FAQ page.^^

Have a lovely day, all of you! :D


Hannah Marie said...

I'll go to your photo blog!

Hoijof said...

can't good about , S

sipsip jejeje no preguntes. cosas mías.. no significa nada... jaja aixxx hasta luego anjii .caritaguiñandoelojo.


Unknown said...

The books are about a boy naed Percy Jackson. In the books all of Greek mythology is real the gods everything! There are kids who are demi-gods which are kids that have a god for a parent! They are soo good!
Oh and by the way I like your music like Phantom of the Opera!

joygirl said...

I like all the activity around here. :)

Unknown said...

Can't wait to see the pictures!

Hannah Marie said...

I've tagged you!