Monday 14 September 2009

First Day Of College

Wow, it was sure special.
So yeah, some of you may be wondering, she's in college? And I'll answer, yep, I am. Note that college here isn't considered the same as University in USA. It's something post-obligatory, you do it if you choose to, and they are two years of studying before University. It's like they prepare you for your career, sort of like.
Anyway, today was my first day in my first year of college, and it was great. I have wonderful teachers; some of them I had last year or already knew them, and I'm sure I'm going to enjoy this year, though all the teachers made it clear it's nothing like High School, and absolutely not like its relaxed study. I'm somewhat intimidated by the hard study and I have in front of me, but I'm sure I'll adapt quickly and I'll be able to put up with it. My teachers are great teachers and I'm sure I'll learn a lot with them.
So, I woke up at 6.30 a.m., and read my Bible and prayer till 7.00 a.m., when I started getting ready, dressing, washing my hair, having breakfast, etc.
At about eight o'clock we left for school, and school started at 8.30. It was fun to see all of my school friends ten minutes before the bell rang, locating my class and, hey, for the first time in my life, in in Class B instead of A! *Freaks out* Oh well. I have plenty of new friends; well, people I've met. We're not friends yet, but I'm sure we will, in time. During the first three hours we had the usual getting to know the schedule, the teachers, the classrooms, etc. Then we had morning break, and after that we had like three speeches from the school director, the village's mayor, etc., and then we had free time 'till three p.m., when we college students leave.
So more or less, my schedule this year will be, getting up at 6.30, starting school at 8.30, morning break at 11.30, continue lessons at 12.00 and finishing at 15.00. Whew!
And I was also able to witness to a friend today! I was so happy to be able to share God with him, it felt like a blessing. On my first day of college, too!
How are you people doing with your own school work?


LocaChica said...

Wow, they must do stuff WAY different over yonder! Hehe, I'm not sure my American-school-system-brained mind understood much about class A, and B and some of that stuff, but it sounds like a challenge. I'm sure you'll do absolutely fantastic :) Putting that cute bag to lots of use I hope?
My schoolwork is coming along quite well. Lots of difficult stuff, preparing for the american version of college, here soon =D

Unknown said...

heeyy me alegro mucho de q lo pasaras bien el primer día, q eso siempre es mejor, ya veras cmo mola el BAT, y además uno se siente más mayor e importante a q sii?? xDD
enga cuidat bss ^^

Estrelleta said...

I thought you were in high school- bachillerato, right? which one?

Marian said...

Glad it's going well so far!! School work is going pretty well for me. :)

~Prism~ said...

Wow! Wishing you all the best in your academic endeavors!

God Bless,


Jare said...

You have been awarded.
See details on the RJD
